This bit of lisp code will toggle the background color from white to black to white in whatever space you are in. (no effect on the block editor though…)
(vl-load-com) (defun c:TBC (/ pref col tm) (setq tm (getvar "tilemode")) (setq pref (vla-get-display (vla-get-Preferences (vlax-get-acad-object) ) ) ) (if (zerop tm) (setq cur (vla-get-graphicswinlayoutbackgrndcolor pref)) (setq cur (vla-get-graphicswinmodelbackgrndcolor pref)) ) (setq col (vlax-variant-value (vlax-variant-change-type cur vlax-vblong ) ) ) (if (not (or (eq col 0) (eq col 16777215))) (setq col 0) ) (cond ((zerop tm) (vla-put-graphicswinlayoutbackgrndcolor pref (vlax-make-variant (abs (- col 16777215)) vlax-vblong) ) (vla-put-layoutcrosshaircolor pref (vlax-make-variant col vlax-vblong) ) ) (t (vla-put-graphicswinmodelbackgrndcolor pref (vlax-make-variant (abs (- col 16777215)) vlax-vblong) ) (vla-put-modelcrosshaircolor pref (vlax-make-variant col vlax-vblong) ) ) ) (vlax-release-object pref) (princ) )