Toggle BricsCAD background color quickly

If you do any presentation with or screen captures from your CAD application, you may have the need to quickly change background colors for various reasons. This post from about 9 years ago, includes some lisp code to do this in AutoCAD. Today’s post includes the lisp code to do the same thing in BricsCAD. Note that this version does not change the crosshair color(s), but in our testing BricsCAD will automatically set the opposite color for the crosshairs (white on black and black on white).

The function is named TBC. After you load this lisp file, you can type in TBC and this will toggle the background color from Black to White and so on. See animated GIF at the bottom of this post.

(defun c:TBC (/ pref col cur tm)
  (setq tm (getvar "tilemode"))
  (setq pref (vla-get-display
  (if (zerop tm)
    (setq cur (vla-get-graphicswinlayoutbackgrndcolor pref))
    (setq cur (vla-get-graphicswinmodelbackgrndcolor pref))
  (setq col (vlax-variant-value
  (if (not (or (eq col 0) (eq col 16777215)))
    (setq col 0)
  (cond ((zerop tm)
      (vlax-make-variant (abs (- col 16777215)) vlax-vblong)
      (vlax-make-variant (abs (- col 16777215)) vlax-vblong)
  (vlax-release-object pref)

Toggle Background Color