Tag Archive: AutoCAD
Manually reset user profile :: AutoCAD or Civil 3D

For the last several years, AutoCAD (and verticals, such as Civil 3D) have included a utility to “Reset Settings to Default” We have seen that in the case of Civil 3D, this does some strange things such as resetting the…
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Bing imagery not working in AutoCAD?

We’ve seen this a few times, mostly in Civil 3D, but that may just be because that the is the flavor of CAD we are around more often than not. Anyway, the problem is that no matter what you do,…
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Plexscape offering assistance

In response to COVID-19 pandemic, Plexscape, makers of the popular Plex.Earth add on for AutoCAD, is offering to double the number of Plex.Earth licenses their customers have, for the next 3 months at no cost and with no catch or strings…
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AutoCAD Object Enablers

What are Object Enablers? Why might you need one? AutoCAD has native CAD entities that you can create, such as lines, polylines, arcs, circles, splines, text, mtext, and more. But in vanilla AutoCAD, there is no entity as a door,…
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has multiple references. Not detached
Autosave in BricsCAD
Unwanted folder named %RoamableRootFolder% showing up among your DWG files?
There is a recent Autodesk technical bulletin out that describes a bug where double-clicking a .DWG file to open it in AutoCAD 2019, results in a new folder with the name “%RoamableRootFolder%” being created in the folder where the .DWG…
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AutoCAD 1603 Install Error

The 1603 MSI install error is pretty common, and the solutions are widespread. The following are some of the technical articles from Autodesk on 1603: AutoCAD Mechanical 2018 installation failure on CheckForRunningTasks AutoCAD 2018 Core installation failure on CheckForRunningTasks Error:…
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What’s new – Spring 2019

Last week, Autodesk released AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT 2020 versions. Click on that link to take a quick look at the new features. Donnie Gladfelter also has a review here. Autodesk licensing expert Travis Nave has documented some workarounds for…
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