Unwanted folder named %RoamableRootFolder% showing up among your DWG files?

There is a recent Autodesk technical bulletin out that describes a bug where double-clicking a .DWG file to open it in AutoCAD 2019, results in a new folder with the name “%RoamableRootFolder%” being created in the folder where the .DWG file lives.

A symptom of this problem can be found if you open your OPTIONS dialog, go to the FILES tab, scroll down to “Action Recorder Settings”, expand that, then look at the value of “Actions Recording File Location”.

If the value of that is set to “%RoamableRootFolder%\Support\Actions”, then you may be experiencing this bug. We say “may”, because although many of our users had this symptom, not all of them were having the problem of the folder being created.

The “solution” on the technical bulletin is easy enough, but what if you want to fix this for hundreds of users? You can’t be expected to follow that “solution”.

Presuming you already have some startup lisp code in place, you can add the following to it, so set this variable to the right value.

(setvar "ActRecPath" (strcat (getvar "RoamableRootPrefix") "Support\\Actions"))

I frequently run across web links to Autodesk technical bulletins that no longer exist, which also do not have a redirect in place, so here is a copy of this bulletin as it exists today.